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Jennifer Hilsinger's Profile


Jennifer Hilsinger


profile pic

Contact Info:

Work Phone:


Conference Times:

5th period: 11:25 am - 12:15 pm

About Me

Educational History:

Texas State University, San Marcos

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Minor in English

Secondary Teacher Certification

Current Position:

I have been teaching 8th grade math and Advanced Algebra I at Raymond Mays Middle School since 2014.

Previous Position:

I worked at Cy Lakes High School (outside of Houston) teaching Algebra I, Geometry, and training teachers for AYP compliance. My last year at CFISD I was the Algebra I team leader, creating and modifying curriculum for a team of teachers, working as a district policy liason, as well as working in the classroom, teaching students.

Family Information:

I’ve been married since 1992, and I have four children. 

Personal Information:

My specialty is communication – my job is to translate the mathanese to English, so you can understand it.

I read. A lot. Almost every genre.  I minored in English on purpose. But I put my books that I read for pleasure down at the beginning of the school year and devote 100% of my attention to my calling: teaching.  It is bittersweet when I drop off my last batch of library books at the end of summer without checking out a new stack.

I belong (with varying degrees of interest and knowledge) to several fandoms including the Marvel Cinematic Universe (my classroom is decorated with MCU), Harry Potter, LOTR, Dr. Who, DC, Star Trek AND Star Wars.

I have a pretty bad Dr. Pepper Zero habit, and I’m addicted to Lay’s potato chips.

Contact Jennifer Hilsinger

School Phone:
Conference Time:
5th period: 11:25 am - 12:15 pm

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